Throughout church history, God’s people have gathered for corporate prayer. In fact, many of the greatest revivals started as believers joined together in community prayer meetings. Praying is so essential, especially when we do it corporately, we see many benefits, such as an increase of our unity, it broadens our reach and heightens our sensitivity to the Spirit, to say the least. Join us on October 6th for a whole day of prayer with 2 Prayer opportunities. We will have a noon session from 12pm to 1pm at the church and an evening session at 7pm to 8pm virtually on zoom:
Virtual Church-Wide Prayer Gathering | Time: Dec. 20th, 2022 @ 7PM
Join using this link:
Meeting ID: 879 3240 3757 | Passcode: 1234
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 879 3240 3757
Passcode: 1234