All small groups will be meeting via Conference Call at the same weekly times that they would hold their group meetings!
At Asbury, we are committed to being faithful stewards of all that God has entrusted to us.
Seasoned Servers
If you want a place to go deeper and get rooted in sound doctrine, this is the class for you. A group who are well seasoned led by and great teacher and facilitator.
- Time: 9:00am - 10:00am (Sunday)
- Dial-in: 425-436-6308
- Access Code: 281933#
Couple’s Enrichment AND FELLOWSHIP
Taught and led by an awesome couple who have been married for over 42 years filled with love fire and compassion. If you are loving to add fire to your marriage, you should think this class with the Boomer’s.
Lead: Pastor Pam Boomer
- Time: Tuesdays@ 7:00PM-8:00PM
Zoom Link:
- Meeting ID: 868 1694 1998
- Passcode: 1533
- Dial by your location: 301-715-8592
With the hustle of weekly living, every adult needs time to calm and feed the soul with rich substance from the word of God. Adult Life Bible Study is the place to do it. Currently studying the fundamentals of the faith with a resource called Basic Transformation.
Lead: Lynn Myers
- Time: 8:00am - 09:00am (Sunday)
- Dial-in: 425-436-6303
Access Code: 894175#
House to heart disciples
Time: 6:30 - 8:00pm(Tuesdays)
Dial-in: 849 8381 2414
- Call in: 301-715-8592#
LEAP | WOMEN'S minstry
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm online
- Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 835 6289 4802
- Passcode: 123
Dial-in: 301-715-8592
Lead: Rev. Charlotte Shackelford
discipleship class
Lead: Paul Rosario
- Time: Mondays @ 6:00PM
Zoom Link:
- Meeting ID: 831 8599 8466
- Passcode: 167272
- Dial by your location: 3017158592 | *167272#
Time: 9:00am - 10:30am (2nd & 4th Saturday)
Dial-in: 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 865 1439 3031
- Passcode:396553